Sunday, February 11, 2007

For the record...

Prekshu has started addressing me as amma and doesnt get tired calling me amma atleast a hundred times a day. She started it around a week ago and from then there has been no stopping her ;-)

She can comfortably walk 10-12 steps now and i dare say her swaying gait looks cuter than the best catwalk any "Miss Universe/Miss World" could do!!!!

She recognises different rhymes and also has her own choices. She prefers "Jack and Jill" to "Mary had a little lamb". But then "Baa baa black sheep" is any time better than "Jack and Jill" because she can sing it in her own way......."Baa baa baa sheeeee" she says. And she loves "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and can do the twinkling with her hands ;-) She likes "The Itsy Bitsy spider" only if it is accompanied by actions from mummy. And "Over in the meadow" is another favorite of hers but my most favorite rhyme now. Gone are the days when I was busy trying to learn new programming languages. The "software engineer- turned -stay at home mommy" is busy learning rhymes these days and trust me its not easy!!!

She talks a lot these days, pointing to various objects. But the sounds that come out from her sweet little throat are "Annaa,Pipi, Pachi, Tappi, Puyi". Me and my hubby have a gala time trying to deciper what she is saying by spinning our own stories. She says "Avide" and "Evide" meaning "Over there" and "Where" with a lot of effort and a lot of stress on each letter as "Aa-Vi-Dee" and "Ee-Vi-Dee".

She is the sole authority on cleaning the house for she finds the tiniest peck that I or the vaccuum cleaner would have missed. But she is clever enough to hand it over to me saying "Itha" with an expression on her face which says "I have to take care of every tiny thing here. Mummy, what would you do without me?"

How true, what would me and my hubby do without our darling angel. Our lives have changed forever and our existence itself seems so much more meaningful!!

Thursday, February 1, 2007


25th January 2007 was a remarkable day for me........Prekshu called me "amma". First when she called me amma, I did not show the joy I felt because it might stop her from repeating it ;-) So I took it as it came............. for I was not sure of it. But within a few minutes there it was again ........ "amma"!! was sheer ecstasy for me.

I had never thought that a simple word like that would make me so happy ever. Until Prekshu was born, the true meaning of happiness had evaded me, I guess. Now I wonder how could I ever term what I felt when - I won an essay competition in school, got the first rank in my class, watched Indian cricketer Ajay Jadeja live on the field, cleared my engineering with good results, got a job in one of India's top IT companies - as happy. Also when I called my mother "mummy" a hundred times a day, I never realised the punch in that word, or the feelings it would have instilled in my mom when I first called her so.

Prekshu now says amma continuously in a string when she is upset, wants to be picked up or when I am not around and she is looking for me. She hasnt started calling me "amma" just to get my attention. And when I ask her "whos this" pointing to myself, she can only manage a "baba". How cute ;-)
Later in life, when she grows up and keeps calling me and if it irritates me, I have a blog to answer to--How much I had waited to hear that word from her!!